Not your Average Sunday!!

What’s your Sunday look like? Does anyone just stay in and spend quality time with family? What is quality time? Does anyone value family? When’s the last time you had a meal together?

Many of my Sundays consist of family time. In my home, it is the day we lounge in PJ’s, bake together, read, play board games, color, or make a craft. It is the day my children look forward to. It is the day they learn how to play a new game, how to be creative, how to relax and learn the importance of bonding. It is the day we hear them say “I love you”.

Yes, many of us have busy lives (including myself) but, that doesn’t mean we can’t have family time. We should dedicate at least one day out of the week to spend with our family. Children enjoy it more than you think. There are many reasons why family time is important. Below are some benefits:

  • Children gain self-confidence by realizing their parents value them. It becomes a win for them as far as building relationships.
  • Children learn to handle stressful situations with ease because they establish relationships with their family
  • Family time nurtures positive behaviors
  • Builds memories
  • Children live healthy life styles
  • Family time conversations help children with stress relief

Today, spending time with our children is a luxury and that is sad to say. We need to make time for the family. We need to teach our children valuable life lessons like kindness and fairness. We need to balance our life and remember that we have children and that our children look up to us. We need to put our children first because they are watching us. We need to be role models. We need to prepare them for the real world.

So, if you can’t remember the last meal you had together or the last time your child said “I love you” please consider this a friendly reminder and give your child some quality time. They will appreciate it. You do not have to do something big. Quality time can just be a simple conversation, dinner at the table, or a movie in your living room, etc…

Don’t forget your spouse too. Your spouse is just as important. Keep in touch throughout the day and do have quality time as well.


Happy Sunday!

-This Momma Juggles

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